On 14 March you had the chance to find out about
your future career!
What better way to present the professions and the diversity of possible career paths in the agri-food industry than with professionals and real-life testimonials, backed up by demonstrations of machinery?
Here are the 5 specific workshops that were present at Food Talent !

It is in this service that raw materials are transformed to give life to the finished product!

In the food industry, it is hygiene above all: the Quality professions are responsible for enforcing strict manufacturing processes but also the safety of employees and the environment.

Inventing the future of the sector is a (big) job: the R&D department is focused on product innovation and new production techniques!

A working tool is maintained: it is in this service that the production machines are repaired. Precision and rigor are on the program!

A factory is organized: logistics designs and implements the strategy of movement of goods and products of the company.
The companies taking part in the various workshops :